Sharon Taylor - Vintner


Welcome to my blog. I’ve been making wine for many years — it’s a passion that I enjoy sharing with friends and everyone with an interest in this wonderful art!

1 Year Anniversary - Le Garage Newsletter 2.10.23

1 Year Anniversary - Le Garage Newsletter 2.10.23

Hello Wine Friends!

In late February 2022, with the encouragement of Sue Miller (Birchrun Hills Farm), I applied for a grant with the CCEDC (Chester County Economic Development Council). The grant was called the “New Business Champions” Program and offered $3,000 in Professional Services & Guidance for New Chester County Businesses.  The response was overwhelming for the CCEDC and they sent a survey to the applicants to further determine the allocation of the funding.  The survey was to be followed by a meeting with the CCEDC. Read more about the CCEDC.

I filled out the survey, met with the CCEDC, exposed my reality and what I felt were all my vulnerabilities and short comings. The CCEDC is a kind group of people. I was blessed with a portion of the funding for financial services, a letter of thanks for sharing my story, and an introduction to Carly Meyer Bentley, CEO - the Founder & Empresaria of The Freckled Strawberry.  Read about The Freckled Strawberry here.

As painstaking as it was, during our first several phone calls Carly and I converted my business plan into proper financial documents. Carly was reassuring and understanding.  I loved our phone calls.  Carly would show up on the calls always fresh, and energetic with a warmth akin to an old trustworthy friend; one who you can share your deepest darkest secrets with no fear of judgement.   

On rough days, Carly would give me a few minutes to vent, and she listened.  To me, being heard is the difference between skinning your knee and getting a band-aid which, according to my granddaughter heals the boo-boo; or skinning your knee and being pushed to keep going, even though some of the sting remains.  Carly is a good listener. 

Throughout her methodology, we touched on many things I never thought I would overcome and some I didn’t even realize I should.  I was and remain very impressed with the amount of work we accomplished, but mostly in the confidence she instilled in me regarding my product, and pricing metrics.

Both the CCEDC and The Freckled Strawberry are non-profit organizations.  Please consider supporting them so their programs can continue to help people like me.  The Freckled Strawberry is having a fund-raising Wine and Cheese evening on Thursday March 30, 2023, from 4 – 6 PM.  Consider signing up.  We will be there serving and selling wine!

Slange Var,


Gaffer - March 17. 2023

Gaffer - March 17. 2023

Crocuses or President's Day - Le Garage Newsletter 3.3-23

Crocuses or President's Day - Le Garage Newsletter 3.3-23