Sharon Taylor - Vintner


Welcome to my blog. I’ve been making wine for many years — it’s a passion that I enjoy sharing with friends and everyone with an interest in this wonderful art!

I Found the Batteries and Other Household Faux Pas - April 7, 2023

I Found the Batteries and Other Household Faux Pas - April 7, 2023

fter watching me open bottle after bottle of wine, my friend Marcia from Silkies Alpaca Farm gifted me an electric bottle opener.  This was a few weeks ago and every week since, someone has asked me why I am not using the gift.  As hard as it was to believe, even for me, I explained that I could not find the pack of AA batteries which I knew I had somewhere.  Guess what!?  I found the batteries!

My weeks are busy and at times stressful, but this week was my week to be motivated and productive around the house.  After working on “the books” and “marketing strategies” for several days my mind has been left smeary, like a blackboard that was erased but not washed.  Those who know me well, know that I am not a domestic engineer.  Winemaking and all that goes with it is my passion and is in line with my lifestyle and personality.  Even so, I was still able to get some non-wine things accomplished. 

I recovered my old and wandering dog in the middle of the night who escaped through a crack in the door left for my extremely neurotic, adopted cat who doesn’t know if he wants in or out at any given moment.  In the morning, I washed and replaced the covers on my couch.  While doing so, I had moved my wallet to a place where Yuri (my smaller dog) was able to take the cash out and dump it on the floor.  Luckily, I got to the cash before Monday (my older dog) saw it and ate it, as he has done many times in the past. Then, later in the day I did a load of laundry.    

While doing the laundry I heard a slow and rhythmic thu-thump … thu-thump … thu-thump coming from my washer.  I opened the washer door and pulled out all the now wet laundry and there were the batteries lying in the bottom of the washing machine.  Thankful that it wasn’t another lipstick or Square device, which is used for taking credit card payments, I pulled the semi-perforated battery package out of the washer. 

The long and short of this is; while it looks like I am being unproductive, in fact, my mind is so productive it inhibits my ability to do the housekeeping required to pleasantly entertain guests or even myself at times. I can assure you, by means of testing, that the wine that comes from Le Garage is a great quality and that the batteries that came from the washer still work! I think this makes my lack of housekeeping skills a wash.



The Stages of Procrastination - April 14, 2023

The Stages of Procrastination - April 14, 2023

Ready, Set, Relax - March 31, 2023

Ready, Set, Relax - March 31, 2023