Vintner's Canvas

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The Adjustment

Do you have fond memories of the rain?  As a child, many of us remember going out to play in the rain;  stepping in puddles of rain and watching it run across your bare feet as if it were a moving stream, the pavement warm and yet the water cool, or in the field where a puddle moves the grass like seaweed in the ocean and the mud is squishy between your toes.  

As I grew older I have memories of how clean my skin felt after walking in the rain, almost as if the rain was some expensive facial treatment.  Then as we grew older yet, rain became a negative force.  Cold and wet, it would ruin hairdos, soak your clothing when you wanted to look crisp and neat, or cause make-up to run.  It became inconvenient.   

During Ophelia, we were invited to sell wine at an event at Silkies Alpaca Farm.  Marcia the alpaca farmer, drummer, singer, supporter of others, and all-round kind and good person made the decision to have her event, hoping for the best.  With a small mental adjustment, I embraced the thought of the rain as I did when I was a child. 

I brought a raincoat which I quickly took off and used to stop the rain from running between my tent and the bus causing my cases of wine and the floor of the bus to get wet.  I wore no hat.  My hair got wet, my clothing was soaked, and I had a ball.  The music and the camaraderie were the best!

We have seen this same thing in some of our loyal friends and supporters who have come to the farm in rain gear and sat at tables with umbrella’s up drinking their wine, eating their cheese, and laughing with each other as if the weather was of no consequence. 

This summer and the beginning of this fall it has rained many weekends, financially hurting small businesses who depend on outdoor sales.  This weekend, more rain is predicted. My Saturday night at Sycamore and Stone has been moved to November 18.  I moved my Saturday at Yeager’s Farm to this Sunday, and of course The Cheesiest Happy Hour will move inside if it rains. 

Please, if you see a vendor who is willing to just ‘go for it’ rain or not, consider a small mental adjustment and go out and enjoy the rain. Visit these vendors with a smile, splash in a few puddles while you’re out there, and bring a towel for the ride home.   I promise you will feel good about yourself and make their day, too.  You may even have fun!