Sharon Taylor - Vintner


Welcome to my blog. I’ve been making wine for many years — it’s a passion that I enjoy sharing with friends and everyone with an interest in this wonderful art!

Edible Sausage and Peppers - 10.20.23

Edible Sausage and Peppers - 10.20.23

There was a lot to tackle his week in preparation for crush. Yesterday we racked some wine and rearranged all the barrels in the winery to make room for this years wines. A friend was over in the evening and after going out for a light dinner, we conquered a tasting of two different Le Garage wines with a variety of Oats and Flour’s cookies that I had to do in preparation for an upcoming event. The tasting conversation then led to the menu for crush day.

Looking at my tasting notes from last night I see that our conversation went sideways a bit but there will be a smoked brisket, edible sausage and peppers, and grappa that is not 150 proof. As I continue down the page with my notes I see we will have a salad that will not have kale in it, and there is something about slugs and “slug mess” that I don’t quite understand. I can assure you we are not serving slugs.

The edible sausage and peppers is referring to a rather large bottling session we had here one afternoon. I made sausage and peppers and my dogs trazodone was accidentally added to the chopped onion while scooping it into the pan to sauté with the peppers. I made sure to let everyone know in case there were allergies and even though it was such a small dosage very few people ate the sausage and peppers.

The 150 proof grappa was donated by a friend. Her brother-in-law makes it out of fermented, pressed grapes skins. I don’t fully understand the distilling process but I do know that a 150 proof grappa will hurt going down at 10:30 AM on crush day so I need to either fix the proof or buy a bottle.

No matter what we have on the table, it always looks pretty in the yard with all the fall colors, a few bottles of wine, and Ivy near by. It is a large part of crush preparation that often goes to last minute with several forgotten items. It’s never a worry for me because the most important part of crush day is the wine we are making.

Even though there was wine involved, It’s a good sign that I have begun making lists for the menu and crush table.

Peace Out,


Trick or Treat Wine Lover Style - 10.27.23

Trick or Treat Wine Lover Style - 10.27.23

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