Sharon Taylor - Vintner


Welcome to my blog. I’ve been making wine for many years — it’s a passion that I enjoy sharing with friends and everyone with an interest in this wonderful art!

Trick or Treat Wine Lover Style - 10.27.23

Trick or Treat Wine Lover Style - 10.27.23

Amidst crush preparation, I did take time last night to do a wine and Halloween candy tasting. It’s important this time of year that mom’s and dad’s know which candies to sneak from their kids trick or treat bags! The tasting actually started around noon yesterday then I took a break and picked it back up with a bottle of Sangiovese, a movie, and a few samples of candy.

Interestingly enough the three wines I tasted had 3 different candy’s that I found to be the best pairings. This of course is up for debate and I invite you all to do so! I paired the Syrah with a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup. The gritty feel and flavor of the peanut butter and confectioners sugar and the milk chocolate brings forward a velvety plum. chocolate, and a blueberry flavor in the wine.

The Sangiovese paired best with a Milky Way. The creamy chocolate and caramel flavors of the Milky Way blend very nicely with the bright flavors in the Sangiovese leaving a wonderful experience on your palate. (I am about sold out of the Sangiovese so tonight will be last night I am serving until next year.)

Lastly, Felicity paired with a Twix bar. I tried this tasting twice this week, the first time I was disappointed but yesterdays attempt did not prove me wrong. The milk chocolate, caramel, and cookie in the Twix bar present the palate with that beautiful black cherry taste that I love so much.

Happy Halloween, Happy Full Hunters Moon, and Happy Crushing!


Fermentation Experience - 11.3.23

Fermentation Experience - 11.3.23

Edible Sausage and Peppers - 10.20.23

Edible Sausage and Peppers - 10.20.23